The power of Mind AnD InspirationS
Power of mind
Have you accepted any of these ?
From the day we born , we are bombarded with negative suggestions. Not knowing how to counter them, we unconsciously accept them and bring them into bring them into being as our experience.
Here are few examples of negative suggestion:
- You can't.
- You'll never amount to anything.
- you mustn't
- You'll fail.
- It's not use.
- You're too old now.
- Life is an endless grind.
You just can't win.
As adult, however , you are able to make choices. You can use constructive autosugestion , which is a reconditioning therapy, to change the impression , made on you in the past. The first step is to make yourself aware of the heterosuggestion that are operating on you. Unexamined , they can create behaviour patterns that cause failure in your personal and social life. Constructive autosuggestions can release you from the mass of negative verbal conditioning that might otherwise distort your life pattern , making the development of good habits difficult or even impossible.
Remember , you have the capacity to choose:
"Choose life! Choose love! Choose health! Choose happiness!"
" You are the captain of your Life"
An easy way to become a good conversationalist ?
Use Imagination Not Willpower!